Wednesday 9 November 2011

NORML Sues the Federal Government

The US government has finally pissed off enough people and NORML will not stand for any of it. They have officially filed a law suite against them. Read article here.

Silber, have filed suit (read here) in the four federal districts in California to challenge the Obama Administration’s recent crackdown on medical marijuana operations in the Golden State. Aided by expert testimony from NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano and research from California NORML Director Dale Gieringer, the suits seek an injunction against the recent federal intrusion into state medical marijuana laws at least and at most a declaration of the unconstitutionality of the Controlled Substances Act with respect to state regulation of medical marijuana
Somebody needed to question the Controlled Substances Act long, long time ago.

The legal argument is called ‘judicial estoppel’, which basically means that courts can’t hold true to a fact in one case and then disregard it in another...

States have the “primary plenary power to protect the health of its citizens” and since the government has recognized and not attempted to stop Colorado’s state-run medical marijuana dispensary program, it cannot suggest Colorado has a state’s right that California does not.

California has the biggest network of medical marijuana in this country and they're being punished for that. Why not punish big corporations for overextending their reach?

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